Internet Discussion Groups

The EMDR forum was created to further the understanding and the development of the clinical application of EMDR and to encourage discussion of EMDR theory and research.
If you have completed Weekend 1 of an EMDR Institute Basic Training 3-day format (or the former Part 1 of the 2.5-day format), you are eligible to join the EMDR Institute Discussion List, the electronic forum on issues related to: clinical applications, theory, and research on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; information on training programs of the EMDR Institute and the humanitarian assistance programs of EMDR HAP.
Individuals who have taken the EMDR Institute Basic Training 3-day format (or the former 2.5 day training) who agree to abide by forum policies are eligible. You must have an email account to participate.
Participants in the discussion include clinicians and researchers from around the world who have taken training with EMDR Institute as well as EMDR Institute facilitators and senior trainers.
Welcome contributions to the discussion include:
Queries and commentaries about clinical protocols and treatment and theoretical issues
Information about published books and articles on EMDR and related topics
Descriptions or questions about interesting or challenging cases
Innovations in clinical practice supported by outcome data
Questions and commentaries on EMDR-related research
Proposals (including 'trial balloon' ideas) for research
Issues on standards of clinical practice and research on EMDR
Discussion of or suggestions for EMDR humanitarian projects
Opportunities for professional presentations on EMDR

If you have taken the EMDR Institute training, you are eligible to subscribe to the list.
List Moderator:
Katy Murray, LICSW
Questions about the list guidelines or topics should be directed to the list moderator:
Katy Murray, LICSW
EMDR Institute Facilitator and HAP Trainer
Phone: (360) 438-0306
Questions about subscriptions and email problems should be directed to:
Staff member, EMDR Institute:
PO Box 750
Watsonville, CA 95077
Phone: (831) 761-1040
Periodically, EMDR Institute facilitator staff and other experienced EMDR Institute trained clinician will be invited to lead discussions on a topic of special interest. If you have suggestions for guest presenters, who have presented at EMDR conferences or Level II trainings, please contact them directly or address your requests to Katy Murray.
We look forward to hearing from you online. bookkeeping