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Utilization of EMDR Therapy with Complex Trauma – Mountain Time – Roger Solomon – CLOSED (Call for limited availability 831-761-1040)

Oct 27, 2023 - Oct 28, 2023


Oct 27, 2023
Oct 28, 2023
$275.00 – $400.00
Event Category:


EMDR Institute, Inc.

14 CEU Credits

Course Description

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an effective and empirically supported integrative psychotherapeutic approach for treatment of traumatic memories. Current symptoms are viewed as resulting from disturbing experiences that have not been adequately processed and have been encoded in state-specific, maladaptive form. The heart of EMDR involves the transmutation of these dysfunctionally stored experiences into an adaptive resolution that promotes psychological health. Guided by the Adaptive Information Processing Model (AIP), EMDR therapy is applicable to a wide degree of disorders, including complex trauma.

Complex trauma, while rooted in memories of traumatizing events that are maladaptively stored, can be more comprehensively under-stood and phenomenologically elaborated by the framework of The Structural Dissociation of the Personality (TDSP).

According to TDSP trauma can cause the personality to split into parts: Part(s) that engage in everyday living (called the Apparently Normal Part) and parts which hold the maladaptively stored, “stuck in time” memories (called Emotional Part), each of them having its own first-person perspective and memory networks. Before processing traumatic memories with EMDR, people with more severe trauma may need appropriate stabilization to avoid stimulating other memories and emotional parts that are beyond the client’s window of tolerance. Consequently, phase-oriented treatment is important.

The three phases are:

  • Stabilization
  • Treatment of traumatic memories
  • (re)Integration of the personality

Learning Objectives

  • Integrate the Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality
  • List the three phases of Phase Oriented Treatment
  • Describe how to access parts of the personality
  • Describe how to resource parts in terms of time orientation
  • Describe how to resource parts in terms of compassion
  • Describe how to resource parts in terms of their positive job function
  • Explain how disorganized attachment underlies dissociative symptoms Apply the continuum of separation Describe the criteria for memory processing with clients with complex trauma
  • List 3 modifications of the standard EMDR protocol appropriate for complex trauma
  • List 3 strategies for dealing with blocked processing
  • Utilize cognitive interweave to keep the client within the window of tolerance and facilitate processing

Topics Covered

  • Phase- Oriented Treatment and how EMDR therapy phases Integrate within this model.
  • Working with parts, including the inner meeting place, and effectively dealing with the different types of parts.
  • Application of EMDR therapy principles for preparation and stabilization, e.g. treat the phobias that maintain dissociative symptoms, enhance cooperation, co- consciousness, and compassion among parts, time orientation of parts; and in- creasing the client’s overall integrative capacity.
  • Strategies and modifications of the standard EMDR protocol to facilitate memory processing, staying within the patient’s “window of tolerance”.
  • Strategies to promote (re)integration of new life skills and adaptive perspectives. Emphasis will be given to presenting and discussion of tapes of EMDR sessions to understand the clinical phenomena and the therapy process.
  • This workshop will integrate EMDR treatment within a Phase Oriented framework, informed by TDSP, to enable the therapist to effectively treat clients with complex trauma. Teaching points will be illustrated by video tapes of sessions.


Completion of an EMDRIA Approved Basic Training. If you did not receive your EMDR Basic Training form the EMDR Institute, please submit proof of  completion (certificate of  completion) of an EMDRIA Approved Basic Training.

Daily Schedule

Registration: 8:00 - 8:30 AM
Workshop: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Lunch: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
NOTE: Attendance at the entire training is required


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21+ days prior - transfer or full refund

1-20 days prior - transfer or refund; $50 fee

Day of / no show - transfer only; $75 fee