EBR Schools - EMDR Therapy Training

We look forward to having you join us for EMDR therapy Basic Training, a 2-part program that spans 3 days for each training.  Please take a few minutes to complete your registration.

1. Please provide the information below, then click the SUBMIT & SIGN button.
2. Carefully review and electronically sign the Participant Agreement.
3. You will receive an email prior to training that will include Zoom links and online learning resources.
4. The textbooks and a training manual will be sent to you prior to training to the mailing address you provide below.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Heidi Harris at HeidiHarris@emdr.com

The EMDR Institute of Dr. Francine Shapiro

Legal name will be printed on certificates and used for all communication.
Mailing Address (manual, books, could deliver on a weekend)(Required)
If you are not licensed, please put Associate or Provisional in this field.