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Rosalie Thomas, RN, PhD
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- Rosalie Thomas, RN, PhD
Clinical psychologist with over 25 years’ experience in the treatment of trauma-related disorders and clients with medical concerns. She is a Trainer for the EMDR Institute, Senior Training and Faculty Consultant for Trauma Recovery, EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs, and Trainer of Trainers for EMDR Asia. She has been a Board Member of the EMDR Foundation since 2006, co-facilitates the EMDR Global Alliance, and served as President of the EMDR International Association. She is the principal author of the EMDR Early Interventions Researcher’s Toolkit. Dr. Thomas was recipient of the Francine Shapiro Award in 2007, the Outstanding Service to EMDRIA Award in 2006, and was co-recipient of the Trauma Recovery/ Humanitarian Assistance Program’s Liz Snyker Award for Humanitarian Service in 2016. Dr. Thomas has participated in EMDR therapy trainings throughout the United States and Asia.